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Curriculum Overview

Our Specialism in Maths and Science 

 At The Wisbech Academy, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to excel in science and maths, the subjects that shape our world and our future. Through the delivery of an engaging and broad curriculum, with a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) focus, the school fosters a ‘can do’ belief. Our exciting, enjoyable, and engaging curriculum emphasises academic achievement. It opens doors to diverse post-16 opportunities, empowering students for their next steps. 

Parental Partnerships 

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that they take an active role in their child’s education. We recognise that these partnerships are vital to children’s learning and development. 

We have a Parent Teacher Association, and work with The Brilliant Club to offer the opportunity to take part in Parent Power. Through advice and guidance on accessing higher education, and developing skills in community organising, Parent Power empowers parents and carers to make change in their children’s future. 

Our approach to behaviour and relationships 

We believe that a positive and inclusive school culture is the foundation of academic and personal success. We treat every individual with respect and empathy and maintain safe and predictable routines to ensure a safe learning environment. 

We have high expectations for both behaviour and academic achievement. We take time to celebrate when students succeed, for example we use positive postcards to highlight what students have done well and share the achievement with parents or carers. 

In year 7 we teach a behaviour curriculum, which explains our routines and systems and supports children to behave well. Students are given a knowledge organiser with all the key information, and all teachers use the same approach so that students know what to expect. 

Learning to Learn programme 

We are part of the Thinking Schools Network (TSN), a global community of innovative, progressive schools whose leaders seek to create world-class, metacognitive education environments for their pupils. Our aim is to equip our learners to surpass academic expectations and develop thinking skills and learning dispositions that will allow them to thrive in an increasingly AI influenced world. 

In year 7 all students take part in the ‘Adventures in Metacognition’ programme, which is an award-winning set of lessons which teaches students how to learn. 

Character Education 

We prioritise the development of students’ character as well as their academic achievements. Our character education curriculum is delivered through our tutor time and assembly programme. 

We explicitly teach children how to develop their virtues and the TWA virtues are: 

Kindness We are kind We are friendly, generous and compassionate to other people. 

Gratitude We are grateful We are aware of and thankful for the good things in our life. We take time to express thanks to people who help us. 

Curiosity: We are curious We are open to learning about the world. 

Integrity: We are honest We do the right thing even if nobody is watching. 

Responsibility: We are responsible We do the things that we need to do for our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. 

Resilience: We are resilient We can recover from setbacks and problems and keep going. 

Service: We help other people We are change makers, who make a positive difference in the world. 

In year seven, all students take part in the Young Leaders Award (YLA) which helps young people develop leadership skills such as: teamwork, communication and creative thinking and character virtues such as resilience, compassion and patience and empowers them to make a difference to their communities through social action projects. 


Enrichment CREST Award 

In year 7 students can take part in the CREST award. CREST is the British Science Association’s flagship education programme, providing enrichment activities to inspire, engage and connect young people aged 5-19 across the UK with science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The CREST Awards scheme inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers. 

CREST empowers young people to investigate issues they care about, helping them see how science is relevant to their everyday lives and futures, and raising their STEM aspirations at school and beyond. 

The Scholar’s Programme 

In year 7 we offer the Scholars Programme in partnership with The Brilliant Club. The Scholars Programme provides pupils with an inspiring experience of university-style learning beyond the curriculum, through seven tutorials taught by a PhD tutor and a trip to a competitive university. 

Music at The Wisbech Academy 

At The Wisbech Academy we are a ‘Singing School’ and we sing when we meet together for whole school assemblies. We also have a choir that all students are welcome to join, and we encourage all students to take part. In year 7 we offer all students the opportunity to learn a musical intstrument, and we seek to foster a love of music in our students. 

Sports Clubs 

We join with the TCA PE team for after school sports clubs. Students have access to the excellent campus facilities, and join sports teams.